Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

yamapi-duet 2011.04


-When did you feel the "Work switch" work recently?
My Work switch goes ON basically when I do a performance. The transformation is necessary, I can't do that as myself. Anyway the change is never too clear and definite, it switches by itself, I'm not conscious of it. Also the OFF mode works like this. Recently I never realize when I enter in the mode so probably it'll go on like this

-How do you become when the "Play switch" is on?
When I know that the next day I don't have work I usually think "Good! Today I can go out!" but how do I become? Basically I'm very normal. Very natural. I'm not able to change myself so I'm always flat...well, when I drink too much I become a little "YEEY!" . When I go to karaoke I sing western songs and get very excited. I sing a lot, for example Beatles' songs. I also usually sing NEWS and solo's songs because people request them.

-In which moments do you go in a "Complete OFF mode"?
My Complete OFF mode from life works only when I sleep. Maybe I go OFF also when I enter my own world staying alone to watch movies or listening to music.

-What kind of girl makes your switch to go ON?
I don't really know by myself (lol). The things that attract me are always a little different from time to time, I don't get too interested to girls who are only beautiful. I can't express it with words but I go ON when I can feel something, like "Ah!". Then I start to chase her with my eyes. I glare at her so much that I can look creepy (lol). Then I think that I should try to talk with her and I do my best. I can't tell when my switch turns ON for a girl but I can easily say when it goes OFF. With girls who don't know manners, who are mean or who lie. Not only to me, also when they're like that with other people, it makes me say "Eh? She's like this?". Thinking that that may be her real nature makes you turn cold, doesn't it?

-Something that you were really ON about lately?
The most of times I watch movies on DVD at home but recently I went to the cinema with a friend to see "Unstoppable". It was so powerful, thrilling, a really enjoyable action movie. Anyway usually I'm interested to life dramas movies. Or better, usually I'm not interested in other movies but those. I like movies focused on human relationships. "Ashita no Joe" is a big life drama movie, it talks about passion and stimulus, the obsession quite awful of not wanting to lose to somebody. That's why I'm ON about "Ashita no Joe"

-Can you tell the difference between ON and OFF modes in the members?
Tegoshi's ON is reflected on "Tegoshi's smile". When the cameraman says "Smile!" he's always ready to show a perfect immediate smile. Shige is quite the same too. Ryo-chan is pretty perfect too. They're amazing. I can't really do that. You never saw a good fake smile from me, right? (*He tries to smile stretching his face*) See? I'm doing this job since 15 years but I've never been able (lol). It's not because I'm unsociable, it's that I can't smile if there's nothing funny, I can't lie to my own feelings...During concerts or TV shows, when I'm having fun or I'm happy I smile a lot. I just can't fake smiles. I think that Tegoshi who can do it anytime is a genius. He's a real idol. Only him is able to say "I wub ewybody!". Tegoshi is a god!

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